이스라엘이 하마스의 공격에 직면하자 바이든은 지지를 확신한다: '미국은 이것을 명백하게 비난한다... 돌격' | TRENUE

이스라엘이 하마스의 공격에 직면하자 바이든은 지지를 확신한다: ‘미국은 이것을 명백하게 비난한다… 돌격’

Biden Assures Support As Israel Faces Hamas Attack: ‘The United States Unequivocally Condemns This … Assault’
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또한 읽기: 포위당한 이스라엘: 전례 없는 하마스 공격, 격렬한 충돌 촉발, 네타냐후 “우리는 전쟁 중”

반면 전 뉴저지 주지사이자 공화당 대선후보인 크리스 크리스티는 X에 올린 글에서 “이스라엘의 적들에 대한 바이든의 유화정책이 이스라엘과의 이번 전쟁에 기여했다”며 현재 진행 중인 갈등을 조 바이든 대통령을 비판하는 기회로 활용했습니다. 이 테러는 바이든이 이란인들에게 60억 달러를 터무니없이 풀어준 것에 자금을 대는 것입니다.”

바이든이 이스라엘의 적들을 달래면서 이스라엘과의 전쟁을 자초한 것입니다. 어디서든 유화책은 통하지 않습니다. 우리는 중대한 위험에 처한 이스라엘을 지원하기 위해 무엇이든 해야 하며, 이란이 지원하는 테러의 재앙을 종식시켜야 합니다. 이 테러는 자금이 지원되고 있습니다…

— 크리스 크리스티(@GovChristie) 2023년 10월 7일

이번 공격의 물결은 이스라엘과 하마스의 2021년 분쟁을 떠올리게 하는데, 11일간 지속돼 사상자가 크게 발생했습니다. 이번 폭력사태가 재연되면 최근 사법개혁에 대한 비판에 직면한 네타냐후 행정부의 입지가 강화될 수 있습니다.

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On Saturday, Israel found itself under a massive rocket assault. The Israeli Defense Forces attributed the unexpected onslaught to the militant group, Hamas, which launched attacks from multiple fronts.

What Happened: U.S. President Joe Biden and several top American officials denounced Hamas’ offensive on Israel’s southern territories.

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In his conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Biden assured unwavering American support, reported Politico.

“The United States unequivocally condemns this appalling assault against Israel by Hamas terrorists from Gaza, and I made clear to Prime Minister Netanyahu that we stand ready to offer all appropriate means of support to the Government and people of Israel,” Biden said in a public statement. 

A statement from Netanyahu’s office highlighted the prime minister’s appreciation for the U.S.’ steadfast backing. It stated, “The Prime Minister thanked the U.S. President for his unreserved support and made it clear that a prolonged and powerful campaign would be required in which Israel would win.”

Both U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin reportedly echoed Biden’s sentiment, emphasizing Israel’s right to defend itself. Austin further highlighted the U.S.’ commitment to ensuring Israel’s security and protection.

Several U.S. politicians, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, attributed the attacks to Iranian influence. International figures, such as French President Emanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, also condemned the attacks and expressed support for Israel’s right to self-defense.

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Also Read: Israel Under Siege: Unprecedented Hamas Attack Sparks Intense Clashes, Netanyahu Says ‘We Are At War’

Former New Jersey governor and Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie, on the other hand, used the ongoing conflict as a chance to criticize President Joe Biden, stating in a post on X, “Biden’s policies of appeasement towards Israel’s adversaries have contributed to this war against Israel. This terrorism is funded by Biden’s idiotic release of $6 billion to the Iranians.”

Biden’s appeasement of Israel’s enemies has invited this war against Israel. Appeasement anywhere never works. We must do whatever it takes to support the State of Israel in its time of grave danger, and we must end the scourge of Iran-backed terrorism. This terrorism is funded…

— Chris Christie (@GovChristie) October 7, 2023

The current wave of attacks is reminiscent of the 2021 conflict between Israel and Hamas, which lasted 11 days and resulted in significant casualties. The renewed violence could strengthen the position of Netanyahu’s administration, which has recently faced criticism over judicial reforms.

This content was partially produced with the help of AI tools and was reviewed and published by Benzinga editors.

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Photo: Shutterstock

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