변동성이 큰 천연가스 시장의 리스크 탐색 | TRENUE
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변동성이 큰 천연가스 시장의 리스크 탐색

2022년 2월 말 러시아가 우크라이나를 침공한 이후 천연가스 변동성이 높아졌고, 이후 기간에만 지정학적 긴장의 범위와 복잡성이 커졌습니다. 에너지가 천연 가스 노출을 관리하기 위해 사용할 수 있는 도구는 무엇입니까? @cmegroup 제공: https://www.cmegroup.com/openmarkets/quicktake-by-bloomberg.html?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=paid_social&utm_campaign=quicktake_evergreen&utm_content=more_insight 이 비디오처럼? Bloomberg Markets & Finance의 비디오를 놓치지 않도록 알림을 구독하고 켜십시오. https://tinyurl.com/ysu5b8a9 비즈니스 뉴스 및 분석, 최신 시장 데이터, 기능, 프로필 등을 보려면 http://www.bloomberg.com 을 방문하십시오. 연결… 트위터: https://twitter.com/business 페이스북: https://www.facebook.com/bloombergbusiness 인스타그램: https://www.instagram.com/bloombergbusiness/ 링크드인: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bloomberg-news/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/ @ 블룸버그 TV와 비즈니스 연결: 트위터: https://twitter.com/BloombergTV 페이스북: https://www.facebook.com/BloombergTelevision 인스타그램: https://www.instagram.com/bloombergtv/

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in late February 2022, natural gas volatility has been elevated, and the scope and complexity of geopolitical tensions has only increased in the subsequent period. What tools are available to energy to manage their natural gas exposure? Presented by @cmegroup: https://www.cmegroup.com/openmarkets/quicktake-by-bloomberg.html?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=paid_social&utm_campaign=quicktake_evergreen&utm_content=more_insight Like this video? Subscribe and turn on notifications so you don’t miss any videos from Bloomberg Markets & Finance: https://tinyurl.com/ysu5b8a9 Visit http://www.bloomberg.com for business news & analysis, up-to-the-minute market data, features, profiles and more. Connect with us on… Twitter: https://twitter.com/business Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bloombergbusiness Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bloombergbusiness/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bloomberg-news/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bloombergbusiness Connect with Bloomberg Television on: Twitter: https://twitter.com/BloombergTV Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BloombergTelevision Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bloombergtv/

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