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쿠슈너의 범죄 혐의: 이반카 트럼프와 결혼한 쿠슈너는 “개인 사업과 트럼프 행정부의 수석 고문으로 재직하는 동안 경력 전반에 걸쳐 잘못을 저질렀다는 혐의의 긴 목록”에 직면해 있다고 메리 트럼프는 말했습니다.
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쿠슈너는 외국인 투자자들을 위한 비자를 확보하는 것을 포함하여 그의 사업 이익을 위해 그의 지위를 이용하는 방법으로 정부 계약으로부터 이익을 얻었습니다. Mary Trump는 Kushner Company의 부동산에 투자한 사람들이라고 말했습니다. 그녀는 그가 백악관에 있는 동안, 그가 주장한 20억 달러의 사우디 거래를 포함하여 수많은 이해 상충이 있었다고 말했습니다.
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그녀는 “이런 비난의 수와 심각성은 재러드 쿠슈너의 행동과 윤리에 대해 상당한 의문을 제기한다”고 말했습니다.
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President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden was indicted this week on nine tax-related charges in California and in the wake of the development, Donald Trump’s niece Mary Trump weighed in on the development in a recent substack post.
What Happened: Even as Hunter Biden stands indicted, Donald Trump, his family and allies have remained unscathed despite their misdeeds, Mary Trump, a psychologist by profession, implied in a post published on Thursday.
Mary Trump noted that conservative politician Roger Stone, who owed $2 million in taxes, reached a deal and was not indicted. Stone is a friend of the former president. Donald Trump’s ex-lawyer Rudy Giuliani, owed $550,000 in taxes and was not indicted either, she said.
While Donald Trump is on trial, Jared Kushner, the former president’s son-in-law, despite a series of alleged crimes, has not come under the scrutiny of the corporate media, she added.
See Also: Trump’s Niece Sees Even Slim Chance Of Victory For Ex-President ‘Way Too Dangerous:’ ‘We Don’t Leave Anything To Chance’
Kushner’s Alleged Crimes: Kushner, who is married to Ivanka Trump, faces a “LONG list of allegations of wrongdoing throughout his career, both in private business and during his time as a senior advisor in the Trump administration,” Mary Trump said.
She cited reports that allege that Kushner committed financial crimes as well as acted in ways flouting foreign policy and endangering national security. Kushner, who runs a private-equity firm named Affinity Partners, misused campaign funds during the 2016 election, she noted, adding that his family business allegedly received millions of dollars in loans from a hedge-fund manager, who invested in Kushner’s startup company.
Kushner profited from government contracts by way of using his position to benefit his business interest, including securing visas for foreign investors. who made investments in Kushner Companies’ properties, Mary Trump said. During his time in White House, there were numerous conflicts of interest, including his alleged $2 billion Saudi deal, she said.
Mary Trump also said Kushner allegedly shared classified information with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and he used WhatsApp for government communications, which raised concerns about transparency and accountability, as messages on the platform can be easily deleted.
“The sheer number and seriousness of these accusations raise significant questions about Jared Kushner’s conduct and ethics,” she said.
Calling out to prosecutors to mete equal justice, the psychologist said, “It’s time to break out.”
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Photo Courtesy: noamgalai on Shutterstock.com
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