후티 공격으로 홍해 선적 중단: 머스크 선박, 부상당하지 않고 탈출 | TRENUE

후티 공격으로 홍해 선적 중단: 머스크 선박, 부상당하지 않고 탈출

Houthi Attack Halts Red Sea Shipping: Maersk Vessel Escapes Unscathed

이란의 지원을 받는 후티 반군은 일요일 홍해를 항해하던 머스크 컨테이너선을 공격한 것으로 알려졌습니다. 머스크는 공격 결과 홍해를 통과하는 모든 항해를 48시간 동안 중단하기로 했다고 밝혔습니다.

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예멘에서 계속되는 후티 무장세력의 공격은 가자지구에서 이스라엘과 분쟁을 벌이고 있는 팔레스타인 이슬람 단체 하마스에 대한 지지를 표명하기 위한 것이었습니다.

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또한 읽기: 이란과의 죄수 교환이 석유 부문에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다: 건배!

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앞서 머스크가 12월 24일 홍해를 통해 항해를 재개하기로 결정했음에도 불구하고, 공격은 계속되었고, 일부 미국 동맹국들은 연합군에 대한 그들의 개입을 공개적으로 밝히는 것을 망설였습니다.

최근 머스크 항저우에 대한 공격 이후, 그 거대 해운회사는 영향을 받은 지역을 통과하는 모든 운송에 대해 48시간 지연을 선언했습니다.

공격 자체는 미사일 공격과 소형 보트를 이용한 후티 반군의 탑승 시도를 포함하고 있습니다. 인근에 있던 보안팀과 미군 군함의 신속한 조치로 상황이 더 이상 고조되는 것을 막았다고 로이터통신은 전했습니다.

데이비드 캐머런 영국 외무장관이 후티 반군을 지원하는 이란에 책임을 지고 이러한 공격을 중단하는 데 도움을 줄 것을 촉구하면서 상황은 국제적인 주목을 받았습니다. 캐머런 총리는 이번 공격의 심각성을 강조하며 무고한 생명과 세계 경제에 위협이 되고 있다고 말했습니다.

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 Iranian-backed Houthi insurgents reportedly launched an assault on a Maersk container vessel on Sunday navigating the Red Sea. As a result of the attack, Maersk said it has decided to suspend all sailing through the Red Sea for a 48-hour period. 

What Happened: The targeted ship, Maersk Hangzhou, came under fire from missiles and small boats during the hostile encounter, Reuters reports. The crew of Maersk Hangzhou was unharmed, and there were no reports of any fire onboard. The vessel sustained no significant damage and has continued its northward journey to Port Suez, the newswire said. 

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U.S. helicopters sank three of the four Houthi boats involved in the incident, the report said. 

The recurring attacks carried out by Houthi militants in Yemen have been aimed at expressing support for the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, which is engaged in a conflict with Israel in Gaza.

These ongoing disruptions have had a substantial impact on global trade, compelling major shipping companies to opt for the longer and more costly route around Africa’s Cape of Good Hope instead of utilizing the Suez Canal.

The Red Sea serves as a critical entry point for ships utilizing the Suez Canal, a vital conduit responsible for handling approximately 12% of global trade and playing a pivotal role in facilitating the movement of goods between Asia and Europe.

Also Read: A Prisoner Exchange With Iran Could Impact The Oil Sector: Here’s How

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In response to the persistent attacks, the U.S. initiated “Operation Prosperity Guardian” Dec. 19, which saw participation from more than 20 nations committed to safeguarding ships in the Red Sea waters near Yemen.

Despite an earlier decision by Maersk to resume sailing through the Red Sea on Dec. 24, the attacks have continued, and some U.S. allies have been hesitant to publicly disclose their involvement in the coalition.

Following the recent attack on Maersk Hangzhou, the shipping giant declared a 48-hour delay for all transits through the affected area.

The attack itself involved missile strikes and an attempted boarding by Houthi insurgents using small boats. Swift action by security teams and U.S. warships in the vicinity prevented the situation from escalating further, Reuters said. 

The situation has garnered international attention, with British Foreign Secretary David Cameron urging Iran, which provides backing to the Houthi insurgents, to assume responsibility and assist in halting these attacks. Cameron stressed the severity of these attacks, and said they pose threats to innocent lives and the global economy.

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Now Read: ‘Iran Is A Responsible Player,’ Says OPEC Secretary General: Here’s What He Said On The Nation’s Full Return To Oil Market

This content was partially produced with the help of AI tools and was reviewed and published by Benzinga editors. Photo via Shutterstock.

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