그리스 국회의원들은 목요일 정교회의 반대에 부딪혀 동성 간 민혼을 도입하고 동성 커플에게 평등한 친권을 확립하는 획기적인 법안을 승인했습니다. 그리스 총리 경제 보좌관이 “맥박”에 관한 법에 대해 반응합니다 더보기: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-02-15/greece-same-sex-marriage-parliament-approves-legislation
Greek lawmakers approved landmark legislation on Thursday to introduce same-sex civil marriage and establish equal parental rights for same-sex couples in the face of opposition from the Orthodox Church. Greek Prime Minister Chief Economic Adviser reacts to the law on “The Pulse.” Read more: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-02-15/greece-same-sex-marriage-parliament-approves-legislation