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South Africa’s Deputy President Paul Mashatile discusses investor sentiment, unity in the national government following elections earlier in the year, growth plans ahead of the budget, and the nation’s stance on rising tensions in the Middle East. He joins Guy Johnson and Kriti Gupta on Bloomberg Television. 00:00 – Intro 00:14 – Mashatile on investors’ sentiment, South Africa, government of national unity 01:31 – Mashatile on growth, fiscal budget, local beneficiation, minerals industry 03:36 – Mashatile on housing, shifting resources to economic activities, infrastructure 05:18 – Mashatile on energy, electricity power cuts, water infrastructure and reticulation 07:12 – Mashatile on finances, resources to solve the water crisis in South Africa 07:36 – Mashatile on China’s impact on South African economy, trade, raw materials export 08:54 – Mashatile on Israel’s bombing campaign on Hezbollah in Lebanon, ICJ, calls for cease-fire and free Palestine Sign up for the Next Africa newsletter, the ambitions of a continent of 1.3 billion — all in one place: https://bloom.bg/4aBkHtz
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