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UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves discusses the fiscal measures announced in her budget yesterday. “We have now put our public finances on a stable and a solid trajectory, including through difficult decisions on increasing taxes,” Reeves told Bloomberg’s Lizzy Burden. She also comments on the Office for Budget Responsibility’s growth forecasts and the government’s spending plans. Reeves’ budget triggered a negative market reaction as traders digested the scale of the borrowing implied by the announcements. 00:00:00 Introduction; “economic and fiscal stability”; tax increases 00:01:51 Public finances “black hole”; OBR and IMF assessments 00:03:38 OBR growth forecasts; government spending plans 00:05:25 National Insurance tax increase and its impact on living standards 00:06:51 Budget “wipes the slate clean”; possibility of future tax rises
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