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Get a jump start on the US trading day with “Bloomberg Open Interest”. Matt Miller, Katie Greifeld and Sonali Basak take you to Wall Street to Main Street, to the C-Suite and beyond. “Bloomberg Open Interest” will bring you what’s buzzing in markets with the leaders who are shaping the day’s narrative. Guests include:
00:04:34 – Jay Hatfield, Infrastructure Capital Management Founder, CEO
00:15:41 – HIGH INTEREST
00:17:44 – SEC CHAIR PICK
00:23:33 – STOCKS TO WATCH
00:25:20 – CRYPTO ASSETS
00:29:03 – Gustavo Medeiros, Ashmore Head of Research
00:36:50 – Consumers Lead Earnings
00:41:04 – Wall Street Beat
00:46:16 – Eli Gross, Morgan Stanley Managing Director and Global Co-Head of Investment Banking
00:58:20 – Traders Weigh French Political Crisis
01:06:12 – Stephanie Drescher, Apollo Chief Client and Product Development Officer
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