유럽은 화약이 부족하고 가장 필요할 때 TNT입니다. | TRENUE
Economy TV

유럽은 화약이 부족하고 가장 필요할 때 TNT입니다.

유럽은 충분한 화약, TNT 및 기타 폭발물 및 추진제를 생산하기 위해 고군분투하고 있습니다. 유럽 ​​연합은 Defe를 높이기 위해 대출로 1,500 억 유로 (1,66 억 달러)를 제안했습니다.

Europe is struggling to produce enough gunpowder, TNT, and other explosives and propellants to meet its demand. The European Union has proposed €150 billion ($162.6 billion) in loans to boost defense spending as part of its latest effort to compensate for waning US support. The European Defense Industry Program would provide another €1.5 billion of EU funding to industry players from 2025 to 2027, but the Commission’s regulation has not yet been passed by the European Parliament. Bloomberg’s Laura Alviz breaks down the situation.
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