인텔 리더는 신호 앱 채팅에 대해 의문을 제기했습니다 | TRENUE
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인텔 리더는 신호 앱 채팅에 대해 의문을 제기했습니다

미국의 상위 2 명의 정보 관리 인 John Ratcliffe와 Tulsi Gabbard는 Houthi Rebels에 대한 공격 계획이 공유되는 신호 메시징 채팅에 참여했습니다. 디

The US’s top two intelligence officials, John Ratcliffe and Tulsi Gabbard, defended their participation in a Signal messaging chat where attack plans for strikes against Houthi rebels were shared. During a Senate hearing, they said no classified information was shared on the chat. CIA Director Ratcliffe and National Intelligence Director Gabbard were among several Trump team members in the chat group. Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic’s top editor, was mistakenly included.
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