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선수 트럼프는 교육부 해산을 위해 움직입니다 | 권력의 균형

“권력의 균형”은 정치와 글로벌 비즈니스의 교차점에 중점을 둡니다. 오늘 쇼에서 Donna Shalala, FMR. 플로리다의 담당자 & FMR. 마이애미 대학교 회장은 회장에 대해 논의했다

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“Balance of Power” focuses on the intersection of politics and global business. On today’s show, Donna Shalala, Fmr. Rep. of Florida & Fmr. President of the University of Miami, discusses President Trump’s move to dissolve the Department of Education. US Secretary Of Energy, Chris Wright, discusses President Trump hosting oil and energy executives at the White House and states he is “all in” on a rare earth deal. Rep. Suzan DelBene (D) Washington on voter frustrations over Pres. Trump’s policies, and Sarah Chamberlain, Republican Main Street Partnership President & CEO, discusses how Republican members of Congress are feeling about President Trump so far, and the importance of town halls.

00:00:00 – Balance of Power Begins
00:03:07 – Bloomberg’s Kate Ackley on Pres. Trump Moves to Dissolve Dept. of Education, Will Dept. of Education Be Abolished
00:05:13 – Fmr. Rep. Donna Shalala (D) Florida, on What Trump’s Move on Dept. of Education Means for American Students
00:12:43 – US Energy Secretary Chris Wright on Pres. Trump Hosts Oil & Energy Executives, Refilling US Oil Reserves, Ukraine Minerals Deal Likely
00:20:43 – Bloomberg’s Michael Shepard on NVIDIA’s Ambition to Invest Billions in US Manufacturing, Chip Tariffs Still Set for April 2
00:26:18 – Rep. Suzan DelBene (D) Washington, on Democrats Strategy Going Forward, Voters Frustrations Over Pres. Trump Policies, Sen. Schumer Leadership
00:38:00 – Sarah Chamberlain, Republican Main Street Partnership President & CEO, on How GOP Congress Members Are Feeling About Trump’s Policies
00:45:44 – Anchor Chat on Washington, DC & The First Day of Spring, US Falls to 24th on World Happiness Report
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