Robinhood는 March Madness를위한 스포츠 예측 시장을 강화합니다 | TRENUE
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Robinhood는 March Madness를위한 스포츠 예측 시장을 강화합니다

CNBC Sport Videocast는 비즈니스에서 가장 큰 이름과 인터뷰를 제공합니다. 이번 주 에피소드에서 CNBC의 Alex Sherman은 JB Mackenzie, Robinhood 부사장 및 Gener와 함께 앉아 있습니다.

  • 영어로 방송되어 이해가 쉽지 않은 분들은, 유튜브 영상을 클릭한 후, 아랫부분의 '자막'부분을 클릭, ➡ '설정 > 자막 > 자동번역 > 한국어'로 설정하면, 한글자막을 볼 수 있습니다.
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  • 모든 동영상에서 자막설정을 유지하려면,
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    완벽한 번역은 아니지만, 영상 내용을 이해하는데 도움이 될 수 있습니다.
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The CNBC Sport videocast brings you interviews with the biggest names in the business. In this week’s episode, CNBC’s Alex Sherman sits down with JB Mackenzie, Robinhood vice president and general manager of futures and international. They discuss Robinhood’s continued push into sports, how customers can now trade on event outcomes tied to March Madness, the regulation process and what we can expect for future big sports events. Sign up for the newsletter: Reporter: Alex Sherman Senior Field Producer: Jessica Golden Senior Producer: Nick Robertson Senior Managing Producer: Tala Hadavi Edited by: Michael Hoyt Animation: Jason Reginato Additional Footage: Getty Images For access to live and exclusive video from CNBC subscribe to CNBC PRO: » Subscribe to CNBC TV: » Subscribe to CNBC: Turn to CNBC TV for the latest stock market news and analysis. From market futures to live price updates CNBC is the leader in business news worldwide. Connect with CNBC News Online Get the latest news: Follow CNBC on LinkedIn: Follow CNBC News on Instagram: Follow CNBC News on Facebook: Follow CNBC on Threads: Follow CNBC News on X: Follow CNBC on WhatsApp: #CNBC #Sports Robinhood Ramps Up Sports Prediction Markets For March Madness

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