Squawk Pod : 교육 E.O. & Avian 독감 스프레드 -03/21/25 | 오디오 만 | TRENUE
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Squawk Pod : 교육 E.O. & Avian 독감 스프레드 -03/21/25 | 오디오 만

트럼프 대통령은 교육부 해체를 목표로 한 행정 명령에 서명했습니다. 의회가 해산을 승인한다면, 전 미국 교육부 장관 마가렛 철자는

President Trump has signed an executive order aimed at dismantling the Department of Education. If Congress approves the dissolution, former U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings argues that states will need to make up for the data, oversight, and funds that the department currently handles for American students. Former FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb discusses the spread of avian flu and its impact on America’s food supply and its egg prices. Plus, the New York Times reported that Elon Musk is headed to the Pentagon, Tesla is weathering protests and vandalism, and Home Depot CEO has weighed in on President Trump’s tariffs. In this episode: Dr. Scott Gottlieb, @ScottGottliebMD Cameron Costa, @CameronCostaNY Melissa Lee, @MelissaLeeCNBC Joe Kernen, @JoeSquawk For access to live and exclusive video from CNBC subscribe to CNBC PRO: https://cnb.cx/42d859g » Subscribe to CNBC TV: https://cnb.cx/SubscribeCNBCtelevision » Subscribe to CNBC: https://cnb.cx/SubscribeCNBC Turn to CNBC TV for the latest stock market news and analysis. From market futures to live price updates CNBC is the leader in business news worldwide. Connect with CNBC News Online Get the latest news: http://www.cnbc.com/ Follow CNBC on LinkedIn: https://cnb.cx/LinkedInCNBC Follow CNBC News on Instagram: https://cnb.cx/InstagramCNBC Follow CNBC News on Facebook: https://cnb.cx/LikeCNBC Follow CNBC on Threads: https://cnb.cx/threads Follow CNBC News on X: https://cnb.cx/FollowCNBC https://www.cnbc.com/select/best-credit-cards/ #CNBC #CNBCTV

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