우리, 우크라이나 대화는 다음 주 초에 이력서 | 권력의 균형 | TRENUE
Economy TV

우리, 우크라이나 대화는 다음 주 초에 이력서 | 권력의 균형

“권력의 균형”은 정치와 글로벌 비즈니스의 교차점에 중점을 둡니다. 오늘 쇼에서 Lexington Institute의 국방 프로그램 부사장 인 Rebecca Grant 박사는 Boeing WI에 대해 논의합니다.

“Balance of Power” focuses on the intersection of politics and global business. On today’s show, Dr. Rebecca Grant, Vice President of Defense Programs at the Lexington Institute, discusses Boeing winning a multi-billion dollar contract to design and build the next-generation fighter jet and states this new fighter jet should be able to prevent a war with China. Jane Harman, Former Chair of the Commissioner on National Defense Strategy, discusses what she expects Ukraine and the United States to speak about as the two countries are set to talk with one another early next week.

00:00:00 – Balance of Power Begins
00:01:58 – Bloomberg’s Daniel Flatley on Boeing Wins US Next-Gen Fighter Jet Contract
00:03:34 – Dr. Rebecca Grant, VP of Defense Programs at the Lexington Institute, on Next-Gen Fighter Jet, Can It Prevent War With China, Elon Musk & Pentagon
00:11:48 – Jane Harman, Fmr. Chair of the Commission of National Defense Strategy, on US & Ukraine Talks to Resume Next Week, Ukraine Minerals Deal Possible
00:19:44 – Bloomberg’s Scarlet Fu on S&P 500 Cuts Most of Its Losses, Tech Gains
00:24:40 – Bloomberg’s Max Chafkin on Anti-Musk Attacks, Tesla Stocks Dropping, Can Elon Musk Turn Things Around, Musk at Pentagon
00:34:18 – Political Panel on AOC, Sanders Talking To Their Base, Musk-Backed PAC Swaying WI SCOTUS Vote, Elon Musk & Democratic Unpopularity
00:44:01 – Lookahead to Next Week: House & Senate Lawmakers Back in DC, US, Ukraine & Russia to Talk Early Next Week
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